Channel: Active questions tagged checkmate - Chess Stack Exchange
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A position with the only legal move resulting in checkmate

Theoretically, is it possible that for some position, the only legal move for a side leads to a checkmate (that is, the opposite king gets checkmated)? If so, has this ever occurred in a real game?

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Running out of time mid promotion to checkmate. Who wins?

In a casual blitz game I had with my friend, my last move was to promote a pawn, to ladder mate my opponent (there was already a rook on the 7th). I moved the pawn, but while I was reaching for the...

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Mate-in-N problems where N scales indefinitely with board size

Motivation - Long range mating patternsThis question is inspired by my recent interest in infinite chess and the post on MathOverflow Checkmate in ω moves?. Since my chess endgame skills are quite...

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Most pieces involved in checkmate in actual game?

I recall seeing a number of chess games where a lot of pieces are involved in the final checkmate, and was curious to know what is the maximum number of pieces of one player A that have been involved...

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Checkmate with only relevant pieces

What is the maximum number of black and white pieces which are relevant in a checkmate position (by White)? That is if any piece (black or white) was removed from the board, the checkmate would not be...

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What is the highest number of pieces from one side that can be involved in a...

What is the highest number of pieces from one side that can be involved in a checkmate? "Involved in a checkmate" is defined below.A non-king piece is involved in a checkmate 'if removing it from the...

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The king had a place to move, how is this checkmate?

The king had a place to move, how is this checkmate?

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Why did I lose -> I thought I can swap king and castle to avoid checkmate?...

[FEN "6nN/Bp1k2pp/2n5/p7/Q4R1P/5pP1/P3qN2/4K2R w K - 0 1"]As you can see my king got checkmated through the enemy's queen and pawn.My question is, why is this a checkmate? I haven't moved the king as...

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How much would chess change if Black always had the last move?

In a hypothetical minor variant, could White's first-move advantage be compensated for by Black's right to last move?Normally, White wins have White play N+1 plies to Black's N. How would the game...

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Is it possible for a white piece to deliver check to the black king, but for...

Is it possible for a white piece to deliver check to the black king, but for black's counter move to result in white getting checkmated?Has this happened in games between top players?

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A puzzle where you must find the mate in 3 solution but avoid mate in 2 and...

I want to see if a puzzle could exist where you must avoid finding mate in 1 or 2 but just find the mate in 3 solution.This is not subjective it is a hard math problem to make a move that forces mate...

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Checkmate in ω² moves with finitely many pieces

The post Checkmate in ωmoves? has inspired a lot of discussion and mathematical research into positions on an infinite chessboard where white can mate in a transfinite amount of moves. The current...

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Timeout vs Insufficient Material

This is not a new topic but it did happen in my game at chess.com. I was playing white and played the only legal move h7 and was checkmated on the next move.My question is: What will happen if I just...

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Is there any sequence of premoves that guarantees checkmate in this...

King + Queen vs. King is perhaps the most basic winning endgame and known to be mate in at most ten moves. However, I am wondering if there is any sequence of premoves that guarantees checkmate? For...

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Unique checkmates count analysis

How many unique checkmates are there from this starting position?I can only see 5 lines on lichess from a game I've played and have tried several different moves.Mate in 4 is the fastest but I've seen...

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Why is this a checkmate?

I'm new to chess and I'm confused about a puzzle I was practicing.As you can see my black queen has put the white king in check, but I'm confused how this is possible if a rook is right next to my...

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Mate Solving or problem solving software

I have some positions in my games which engine analysis indicates that some lines (not the ones I played) lead to a checkmate in 6 or 7 or 10 moves.But normal engines are not reliable here so I use...

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Mate in 2 from "The soviet Chess Primer" but wrong

I found this exercise on page 51 of the "The soviet chess primer" and I think there is a mistake. Chess.com analysis says there is a mate in 13 moves.I'm correct thinking there is a mistake? Or am I...

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Questions about legality of last move

Question for FIDE Arbiters and similar knowledgeable folk...FIDE Law Article 5.1.1 The game is won by the player who has checkmated his/her opponent’sking. This immediately ends the game, provided that...

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Outside-the-box mate-in-one challenge

I've received an (I would say impossible) mate-in-one challenge and I have already checked all movements, but couldn't solve it yet. It came from a trustable source and they say you need to think...

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